how often should you poop

How often a bowel movement occurs depends on the individual. However, there are some rules that should be kept in mind in order to react quickly in case of irregularities. How often should you poop?

How often should you poop

Some have a bowel movement three times a week, others three times a day. Constipation means that your bowel movement is less than three times a week. If you have a bowel movement less than once a week, then you have problems with it. However, frequent bowel movements are, according to the doctor, more than 4 times a day.

If the consistency, shape and color of the stool are normal, and the bowel movement is not accompanied by abdominal pain or weakness, there is no reason to worry. However, if the feces have a loose or watery form, it is probably acute or chronic diarrhea (if this condition lasts more than 4 weeks). Then, frequent, loose stools can be a symptom of the disease.

Frequent bowel movements – causes

  • Coffee – the caffeine contained in coffee is irritating to the walls of the large intestine and may cause an increased intestinal passage. Therefore, frequent drinking of coffee (especially on an empty stomach) can provoke bowel movements.
  • Intensive exercise – keeping your body in constant motion helps defecation. Movement improves bowel function. Exercises such as crunches, a bike push the mass in the intestines and regulate pressure in the digestive tract,
  • Eating a large amount of spicy spices – accelerate digestion and circulation, and thus affect the more frequent passing of stool,
how many poos a day
  • Fermented milk products – consumed in excessive amounts cause bowel movement. They stimulate the muscles of the digestive system, thus the frequency of bowel movements increases,
  • Celiac disease – allergies and food intolerances mean that food is moved faster in subsequent parts of the digestive system. In celiac disease, gluten intolerance triggers an autoimmune response when you eat something that contains the protein and – over time, can damage the lining of your small intestine.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – consists of chronic (lasting for at least three months) intestinal disorders, the most permanent symptoms of which are abdominal pain, associated disorders in passing stool (including frequent defecation) and flatulence.

Too frequent defecation after a meal – as evidenced

The first association is food poisoning. Bacterial diarrhea primarily belongs to acute diarrhea, i.e. lasting up to 14 days. Symptoms are especially dangerous for children who are easily dehydrated. In the treatment of acute diarrhea, constant hydration, electrolyte supplementation and easily digestible diet are very important.

Intolerance and food hypersensitivity come to the fore for non-infectious reasons. Intolerances are enzymatic deficiencies, and hypersensitivity is associated with an excessive immune response to a given diet component.

Diarrhea after a meal may indicate intolerance to lactose and / or other sugar compounds such as fructose, sorbitol, xylitol, but also insoluble fiber (e.g. wheat bran), as well as legumes. For some people, drinking water with a meal speeds up stooling, and it’s even worse when the meal is washed down with a soda.


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